Tialoc revolutionizes organic waste solutions by blending European technologies with the unique demands and market conditions of China. We have developed decentralized solutions for kitchen waste management based on centralized treatment technologies and best practices, offering customized product models and process combinations. Our skid-mounted,modular designs incorporate Tialoc's specialized technology, high-quality products, and smart process control, delivering in cost-efficient and compact solutions.
Kitchen Waste: Decentralized Solution
Considering the perishable nature of kitchen waste, quantities, geographical distribution,and other relevant factors, a combination of centralized and decentralized approaches can be an effective way to optimize kitchen waste management practices. Tialoc has developed three different models, namely RapidDry™, BioRevive™, and HydroDry™, to cater to various needs and scenarios.
The RapidDry™ model is designed for fast drying of organic waste, with the added function of high-temperature sterilization. This model allows for quick processing, high turnround rates, and significant volume reduction while preserving the nutritive elements of the waste. It offers a cost-efficient and time-saving solution for managing kitchen waste.
The BioRevive™ model serves as a pretreatment or pre-composting. By utilizing suitable fermentation strains and advanced processes, it enhances the decomposition and biodegradability of organic waste. This model focuses on stabilizing and reducing the waste and preparing it for further composting, contributing to full resource utilization.
The HydroDry™ model incorporates hydrolysis technology, mechanical compaction, and dewatering to achieve high volume reduction, moisture removal, and improved heat value of organic waste. This reduces the cost of co-processing with other facilities, such as Waste-to-Energy Plants.
Contact Number
159 Tianzhou Road,Block 12, 4th Floor CHJ Hi-Tech Park, Xuhui District, Shanghai P.R.China